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Furby Hub


Welcome to my humble abode of a website! This place is where I'm going to update it with artistic projects, my toy collections, and discussions of ponies! I am also willing to share custom resources for your own music! I like chopping samples, making custom samples, and making synth patches for Synth1! I've been making music for a long time, and I'm willing to share some things that could possibly help you on your journey.

I can hopefully grow this place a whole lot more. Currently I offer archived media, including a variety of other small things. Like one my projects called Snafu! Which is dedicated to curating the 90's Yahoo web directory, as a form of reference for web design. No more shall you worry about broken links when looking for older archived websites!

Best viewing is with Netscape 3.0 or Mozilla at 800 x 600 screen size or greater, and in a color mode greater than 256 colors, eg. thousands or millions on the Mac or 64k or 16.7 million on IBM.